With most of the stickys out dated from a very long time ago, they lack information which summoners have found out over the 2 or 3 years since the "Summoner FAQ" sticky was posted.
Problems with the first few posts for about 2 pages is that its filled with information which can easily be acquired from job abilities and what not from other websites.
Perhaps somepage, or allakazam as examples.
What information the majority of or lower level summoners dont know are things such as...
Moon crescents for Ecliptic howl, Ecliptic Growl and the status effects on each phase. - information like this is hard to find out, but I know statuc effect for ecliptic growl, just want to find the one for howl.
Advantages of different subjobs for summoner - I find lots of people critisize anything other than whm, but then again, people critisize anything but war sub for nin yet nin/blm is a very good DD.
Foods that can be consumed - one day one of the summoners in my pt ate sole sushi, and I think, her avatar caused about 10-20 more damage on the mob than it was before. I say think because there were three carbuncles hitting the mob at one time and it was only one time experience so far.
Summoning skill - we know it doesnt increase strength of your avatar, still I know is in question, but I heard from someone that capped smn skill enhances astral flow. Accuracy and evasion is hard to calculate on an avatar. So is hate, but from a one time experience uncapped skill gives more hate than capped.
Problems with the first few posts for about 2 pages is that its filled with information which can easily be acquired from job abilities and what not from other websites.
Perhaps somepage, or allakazam as examples.
What information the majority of or lower level summoners dont know are things such as...
Moon crescents for Ecliptic howl, Ecliptic Growl and the status effects on each phase. - information like this is hard to find out, but I know statuc effect for ecliptic growl, just want to find the one for howl.
Advantages of different subjobs for summoner - I find lots of people critisize anything other than whm, but then again, people critisize anything but war sub for nin yet nin/blm is a very good DD.
Foods that can be consumed - one day one of the summoners in my pt ate sole sushi, and I think, her avatar caused about 10-20 more damage on the mob than it was before. I say think because there were three carbuncles hitting the mob at one time and it was only one time experience so far.
Summoning skill - we know it doesnt increase strength of your avatar, still I know is in question, but I heard from someone that capped smn skill enhances astral flow. Accuracy and evasion is hard to calculate on an avatar. So is hate, but from a one time experience uncapped skill gives more hate than capped.